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Celestial Soulmates and Divine Timing; The Dreams of Our Prayers

Divine timing indicates that something is going to happen according to a divine plan. When we use the word divine timing in your psychic soulmate reading, it indicates there is a greater purpose at work in your life here that is coming from the Universe or the Divine. Also please remember that a soulmate does not always have to be a romantic life partner, it can be a family member or friend, but for purposes of this posting I am limiting it to romantic soulmates. So many times people have called asking when they will meet their soulmate. Likewise they have called when they are having problems with their soulmate wanting to know when the problems will be resolved so the relationship can get back on track. They want to know when they may be reunited if they are currently split, separated or broken-up from a soulmate relationship. Many times the answer really involves divine timing, on God's time clock.

Living in a linear world we all need to know when we need to do things and when things will happen. We need to know to get up at 7 AM, eat lunch at noon, go to the gym at 6 PM, watch the evening news at 10 PM and so on. That is because we need time to keep us all on track and moving forward in time and space together. In the Spiritual realm, however, there is no time or space. It does not exist and it all works in the divine timing of the Universe. Everything is 'now' and happens all at once. The Universe people, our angels, guides..whatever you want to call them.. give us linear time so can function in the world.

So how do we answer timing questions concerning soulmates? The real answer is... when he or she has learned the life lesson pertaining to.... xyz, or whatever the lesson is they are learning before the two of you can find each other or be reunited. It is all about Diving Timing and the timing of God, Goddess and the Universe. Your own personal desperation and need will not make things work faster either, because you also probably have a life lesson or two that must be faced before you can come together. That should be your focus right now. You want to meet your soulmate, then focus on yourself. You want to resolve issues in a current soulmate relationship, then work on yourself. When you focus on yourself time will move forward to prepare the opening for the soulmate to appear or re-appear. When you have done that the divine timing of the Universe will allow things in your relationship to begin to get back on track.

If, during this lifetime, you are destined to meet your romantic soulmate, you will meet them. Even if you try to avoid meeting them, if it is truly a soulmate meeting that provides valuable life lessons, experiences and spiritual growth, you can run from it but you can not hide. You will meet. It just requires patience on your part for the events to unfold as they should. So the best advice I can give on this is to be prepared and be ready, because it will usually come sooner than you think.

There is a lot of information circulating about soulmates and much of it is conflicting, as in any subject. It is difficult to have a solid understanding that can serve us when we attempt to know what these heartfelt connections in our lives mean.

The fairy tale version is that there is that one special someone out there who is made just for you and when you find him/her your life will finally be complete. Your expectation is that when you meet your soulmate that life will go smoothly; you will be head over heels in love and support each other completely in your quest for a greater life. It is the type of love story movies are made about. It is why we love romantic comedies so much. It is why we love fairy tales.

There is another belief system that tells us we have many different soul mates and they aren't all romantic or sexual in nature. A soulmate could be a best friend, a family member or a lover. And...there are many soulmates in one lifetime that we will cross paths with.

For the sake of this exploration I would like to stick to the topic of the romantic chemistry that leads us to believe we have found a soulmate. He or she is the ONE! When with this person we believe all our prayers have been answered, our dreams are coming true, we have finally met our match. No one we have been with has affected us like this person has. We have never felt so "in love," so crazy about anyone in our lives.

The problem with meeting this kind of soulmate is that when we are crazy for someone, the emphasis is more strongly on the "crazy" part. Rather than feeling calm, centered, balanced, self assured, confident and on top of the world we often experience the opposite. We are off balance, confused, unsure of ourselves, and struggling with our feelings of self-worth. We can't help but wonder why we feel so small in the light of greatness, or this person who at first appeared to be so great!

We hang in there with him or her in hope that we will grow beyond the difficulties and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the promise of true love and marital bliss. But the longer we hang in there the more our self esteem erodes and the further into darkness we seem to spiral.

Is this love? Is this the soulmate connection? What is it?

Although some are lucky enough in life to meet someone whom they truly feel a positive love bond with and their relationships are harmonious and inspiring, others find that their soulmate relationships end up being the most troubling and challenging relationships they have ever experienced. They feel the greatest deal of pain and misery. The promise of a dream come true gives way to the worst nightmare. Mr. right becomes Mr. wrong. The Prince becomes a toad. Snow white becomes the wicked stepmother.

How do we get fooled into believing the one we have fallen head over heels for is our soulmate? And why do we have so much trouble letting go?

It is my belief that there really may be a soulmate connection there. We feel a deep soul bond with this person, even if the relationship has become nasty and we feel very mistreated, even abused. The reason for this is Karmic Resolution.

The soulmate theory is based on a belief in past lives, that we have been together before and we somehow recognize each other again in this life. It might feel as if we know the person and there is an immediate connection. The question is "how did we know that person before?" Was he or she someone we loved dearly, a beloved husband, wife, or lover? Or is it possible this person was someone you hurt in the past who hurt you this time around to balance the karmic scales? It is possible this person abused you in the past and you brought him into your life to abuse you again so you could learn to say "No" to abuse.

Is this person someone whom there may be a true loving bond with from lifetimes ago, but this life has brought so much deep wounding that they don't know how to open their heart and let love in? And as much as you try to love them and help them, you end up being the one who gets hurt because they can't truly love you in return.

Could it be that you had a soul contract with someone whom you agreed to meet in this lifetime to learn some important life lessons? Your lesson may be learning to love yourself more in the face of someone who can't seem to love you. Or it might be learning to honor and respect yourself in the light of someone who does not honor you. There could be an important aspect of your souls growth at stake here.

Finding a soulmate does not necessarily mean finding the love of your life, the one whom you are perfectly designed to be with who is perfectly designed for you. It may be more like signing up for a difficult course or going through a powerful initiation. It may be painful beyond words because the lessons brought into your life to teach you are hard ones. They are lessons you may not want to learn and have great resistance to. On the same hand the soulmate may have even greater resistance to the lessons you have come to teach them. They may run fast and far and do everything in their power to avoid seeing the truth that is right in front of them. They may be someone unable to commit to the path of love because they learned at an early age that love hurts; so they protect their heart with many walls of defenses. It doesn't matter how much love you give, you can't break down their walls.

Soulmates may come into our life for a season, a reason or a lifetime. One thing we can be sure of. When we meet a soulmate we will never be the same again. They have the power to awaken something within us that we can't put back to sleep, even if we want to. We may move on, leave them behind, be left behind and forced to go on without them, but they will forever be a part of us. In their wake we may have to learn the lessons of forgiveness, letting go and loving ourselves in ways we never realize were possible. We might have to learn how loving someone sometimes means letting them go. And even though we learn to let go, we never forget them or the impact they had on our lives.

The lover whom we have no intense chemistry with may be the most harmonious relationships of all but we will need to get beyond the desire for an intense chemical attraction. Intense romantic or sexual chemistry can equal and intense and unstable emotional relationship. It can be heady and exciting in the beginning but sooner or later it will give way to something that completely knocks us off balance. The intensity is there for a reason.

So rather than searching for the one who will rock your world, it may be wise to search for someone who calms your emotional sea and puts you at ease. This is a far greater ingredient for a lasting love with someone you can count on to be there for you in the long run.

For some people, the idea of "The One" is a colourful fantasy, which they hope to realize one day if they are lucky; but to them it seems like a very hard thing, since soulmates are so rare. To others the whole thing is just plain repulsive, because they don't see how there could be this one "magical" soulmate on the planet, who would bring them happiness and put an end to all the problems in their love life. So, they settle for mediocre relationships, which they consider the norm and never experience true happiness with another person. On the surface these two groups of people seem to be very different, but in reality they have more in common than they think. Both groups hold false beliefs about soulmates, and that's why they never end up meeting one. Yes, one, not "The One". One of thousands upon thousands.

It's important to understand that your soul is compatible with more than one other soul on this planet. Your soul is the essence of you; it is your life energy, so to speak. This energy vibrates at different frequencies inside each and every one of us. Your vibrations may be very similar to some people, and very different from others. That's why with some people you "click", and with others you struggle to say a word. You get different "vibes" from different people. Your soul feels other souls right away and it knows its matches. This is how you make friends - the more similar your vibrational energy is, the stronger the friendship. But you wouldn't say that you could only have one friend like that in your life or in the world, right?

It's very much the same with romantic relationships. The more similar your vibrational energy is to that of your partner, the better the match will be. Out of almost 7 billion human beings on our planet now, there may be literally thousands of potential perfect matches for your energy, all of them your soulmates! You may walk past them every day on the street and not even know it, because the false beliefs ingrained so deeply in your subconscious mind will block them out of your scope of awareness. In order to meet one of your soulmates, the first step is to break the belief system of "The One" and realize that it's not hard to find a soulmate at all, if you just let it happen.

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