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Exploring YOUR Spiritual Gifts

That is a question I am often asked... just how do I know what my Spiritual Gifts are and how do I develop them?

The first step is a heart-felt willingness to be open to stepping out over the edge of everything you have ever known... and taking that unfamiliar, scary step.

Being willing to step beyond your comfort zone... which is really a "stay stuck zone"... is at best a challenge. Change isn't easy. It requires us to dig deep within, reaching past fear of the unknown, finding the courage to take that first step.

That first step into the unknown is the start of developing your Spiritual Gifts... two of which are trust and faith... regardless of whether or not you're just beginning our Spiritual Journey or been on your path for a while.

Each time we bump up against resistance or come to the edge of the "box" we created for ourselves, we are presented with an opportunity to develop our gifts of seeing, sensing, hearing, knowing and or feeling beyond our physical senses.

The second step is to be willing to be willing to let go of judgment.

Where there is judgment, there are blocks to connecting with Spirit, Angels, Divine Oneness and our inner-self.

We all have filters or pre-conceived notions of what is appropriate and acceptable.

There are countless sources that help us perpetuate judgment such as...

... which labels are the best and which ones have less value ... how many stars a restaurant has... or doesn't have. Some of my favorite places are "holes in the wall" ... the latest fashion trends, the next big shiny object that comes along

I'm not saying any of these things are good or bad, right or wrong. They are simply examples of what and how we judge or compare ourselves with others.

When we judge ourselves, we are actually de-valuing our self-worth and lowering our inner-vibration. This is just one of the many ways we stifle our Spiritual Development. The third step is to explore a variety of techniques and tools to help you become more consciously aware of what you see, hear, and or sense.

Once you discover one or two ways to develop your Spiritual Gifts, focus on them completely. It's very easy to get distracted by the "shiny object" that promises instant results without having to do anything on your part.

Each time we step into what we are doing and start something new, we are essentially beginning from square one.

The fourth step is to practice, practice, practice and practice some more. I practice connecting with Angels and Spirit every day.

Here's a little known secret... sometimes, taking a step back, creates space mentally and emotionally for greater clarity in developing your Spiritual Gifts.

To review:

*Step One: willingness to be open *Step Two: willingness to let go *Step Three: explore a variety of methods and techniques finding what resonates with you *Step Four: practice, practice, practice

There is always another level of inner-expansion, increasing conscious awareness which in-turn helps u develop our Spiritual Gifts.

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